Lifting chains are a robust tool that serves as a vital component across various industries. By understanding the different grades of lifting chain and their applications you are helping to ensure safe and efficient lifting operations. This guide seeks to shed light on how to select an appropriate chain based on load capacity, environmental considerations and industry-specific requirements. 

Cartoon image of a CERTEX Lifting chainUnderstanding Lifting Chain Grade

Lifting chains are available in various grades, each designed to meet specific load capacities and operational condition,s. At CERTEX Lifting, we offer chain slings in Grade 80, Grade 100 or Grade 120. These grades an indicative of the chain's tensible strength, durability, and suitability for different applications. 

A navy icon of a crane with a hook. CERTEX Lifting is a leading supplier of cranes, crane fittings and accessories in the Australian market.Applications Based on Chain Grades

  • Grade 80 Chains: engineered for heavy lifting in demanding conditions, these chains excel in industries such as mining, construction, and offshore rigging. They have immense strength and durability, allowing them to withstand large loads.
  • Grade 100 Chains: These chains provide more strength than those of Grade 80 and are essential in heavy-duty lifting operations. These chains are often used in industries such as construction and mining due to the chain's durability and reliability.
  • Grade 120 Chains: These chains are designed for the most demanding lifting tasks and are indispensable in situations requiring extreme strength and durability. Grade 120 chains are often used in heavy construction and industrial settings.


A cartoon image of a pencil surrounded by cogs symbolises CERTEX Lifting's innovative engineering.Factors Influencing Chain Selection

  • Load Capacity: It is imperative to determine the maximum weight that the chain will bear. Chains with higher grades can handle heavier load capacities and tensile strength.
  • Environmental Conditions: You need to consider the environment where the chain will be used. For example, marine or corrosive environments may require chains with enhanced corrosion resistance, such as galvanised or stainless steel chains.
  • Industry Requirements: Different industries have differing regulations and standards for lifting equipment. It is important to ensure that your selected chain complies with industry-specific standards, certifications, and safety requirements. 

This guide has established that selecting the correct lifting chain involves thoroughly assessing load requirements, environmental factors, and industry standards. By understanding the difference in lifting chain strength you are now able to make an informed decision, ensuring safety, efficiency, and regulatory compliance. If you require further assistance in determining which chain is best for you, contact us today.

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Lifting Chain Maintenance Guide

To ensure your chain remains long-lasting and safe, follow this guide.

Safe Usage of Lifting Chain

Guidelines and appropriate practices to ensure you continue safely and efficiently.